Dan (Daniel) Frumin
About me
I am a logician and a computer scientist in Fundamental Computing group at the University of Groningen, where I work on concurrency and reasoning about concurrent programs. My research interest include:
- semantics of programming languages, type theory and type systems;
- program verification and substructural logics (especially concurrent separation logics);
- category theory and its applications to fundamental computer science and programming;
- formal proofs and proof assistants (especially Coq and Univalent Foundations).
Contact information
- Email: d.frumin `at’ rug.nl
- Office: Bernoulliborg (5161)0414
Brief bio
I finished my PhD under the supervision of Herman Geuvers, Freek Wiedijk, and Robbert Krebbers at Radboud University Nijmegen. My thesis is available online, together with the associated Coq mechanizations. After my PhD, I have been a postdoc with Lars Birkedal at the Logic and Semantics group, and a postdoc with Jorge Pérez at the Fundamental Computing group.
Recent writings/publications
- Context-Dependent Effects in Guarded Interaction Trees
ESOP, 2025, with Sergei Stepanenko, Emma Nardino, Amin Timany, and Lars Birkedal - Around Classical and Intuitionistic Linear Processes
CONCUR, 2024, with Juan C. Jaramillo and Jorge A. Pérez - Interval Domain in Homotopy Type Theory
with Niels van der Weide
Logics and Type Systems in Theory and Practice, 2024, dedicated to Herman Geuvers, on the occasion of his 60th birthday - Modular Denotational Semantics for Effects with Guarded Interaction Trees
with Amin Timany and Lars Birkedal
POPL, 2024, Distinguished Paper Award, Coq formalization - A Propositions-as-Sessions Interpretation of Bunched Implications in Channel-Based Concurrency
with Emanuele D’Osualdo, Bas van den Heuvel, and Jorge A. Pérez
See the Propositions-as-Sessions course (ESSLLI24) (August 2024)
Current teaching
- Intro to Logic (2024)
- Models and Semantics of Computation (2024)
- Programs and Interactive Proofs (2025)
- Languages and Machines (2025)
All the information is available on the BrightSpace. See also the Education section on the FC webpage.
See the Full teaching page
Seminars and meetings
- Stroopt seminar (Groningen)
- GroLog seminar (Groningen)
- Bernoulli Institute Events (Groningen)
- BI’s Maths Event Calendar (Groningen)
- NetTCS: Network, Types, Coalgebras, Semantics (NL)
- Dutch Categories And Types seminar (NL)
- Logseminar (Aarhus)
- Software Science Seminar (Radboud)
- Online Worldwide Seminar on Logic and Semantics (Worldwide-ish)
- Some misc code/formalisations I wrote
- a very small hott-coq quickref | gnomes wearing hats | hamster.html
- The “What Is…?” column from the Notices of the AMS archive
- Weather | buienradar | Central station
- The name of this website is a nod to the ’96 paper of Hofmann and Streicher, and the amazing webpage of Ronald Brown and his book on topology