Dan (Daniel) Frumin

About me

I am a logician and a computer scientist in Fundamental Computing group at the University of Groningen. I am interested in concurrent programs and reasoning about their behavior. My research interest include

Contact information

  • Email: d.frumin `at’ rug.nl
  • Office: Bernoulliborg (5161)0414

Brief bio

I finished my PhD under the supervision of Herman Geuvers, Freek Wiedijk, and Robbert Krebbers at Radboud University Nijmegen. My thesis is available online, together with the associated Coq mechanizations. After my PhD, I have been a postdoc with Lars Birkedal at the Logic and Semantics group, and a postdoc with Jorge Pérez at the Fundamental Computing group.


All the information is available on the BrightSpace. See also the Education section on the FC webpage.

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Seminars and meetings
