GHC API tutorial


Tags: haskell


Disclamer: these notes have been written a couple of years ago. While some of the basic facts are still the case, some details may be subject to change. Trust, but verify!

It’s hard to get into writing code that uses GHC API. The API itself is and the number of various functions and options significantly outnumber the amount of tutorials around.

In this note I will try to elaborate on some of the peculiar, interesting problems I’ve encountered during my experience writing code that uses GHC API and also provide various tips I find useful.

Many of the points I make in this note are actually trivial, but nevertheless I made all of the mistakes mentioned in here myself, perhaps due to my naive approach of quickly diving in and experimenting, instead of reading into the documentation and source code.

This note is an adaptation of a series of my blog posts on the subject.

In order to run examples presented in this note you'll have to

  1. Install the ghc-paths library
  2. Compile the code with ghc -package ghc file.hs OR
  3. Expose the ghc-7.8.x library: ghc-pkg expose ghc-7.8.2

The up to date Haddocks for GHC are located here.

Interpreted, compiled, and package modules

There are different ways of bringing contents of Haskell modules into scope, a process that is necessary for evaluating/interpreting bits of code on-the-fly. We will walk through some of the caveats of this process.

Interpreted modules

Imagine the following situation: we have a Haskell source file with code we want to load dynamically and evaluate. That is a basic task in the GHC API terms, but there are actually different ways of doing that.

Let us have a file 'test.hs' containing the code we want to access:

module Test (test) where
test :: Int
test = 123

The basic way to get the 'test' data would be to load Test as an interpreted module:

import Control.Applicative
import DynFlags
import GHC
import GHC.Paths
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import Unsafe.Coerce
main = defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $
    runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
         -- we have to call 'setSessionDynFlags' before doing
         -- everything else
        dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
        -- If we want to make GHC interpret our code on the fly, we
        -- ought to set those two flags, otherwise we
        -- wouldn't be able to use 'setContext' below
        setSessionDynFlags $ dflags { hscTarget = HscInterpreted
                                    , ghcLink   = LinkInMemory
        setTargets =<< sequence [guessTarget "test.hs" Nothing]
        load LoadAllTargets
        -- Bringing the module into the context
        setContext [IIModule $ mkModuleName "Test"]
        -- evaluating and running an action
        act <- unsafeCoerce <$> compileExpr "print test"           
        liftIO act

The reason that we have to use HscInterpreted and LinkInMemory is that otherwise it would compile test.hs in the current directory and leave test.hi and test.o files, which we would not be able to load in the interpreted mode. However, setContext, will try to bring the code in those files first, when looking for the module Test.

$ ghc -package ghc --make Interp.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Interp.hs, Interp.o )
Linking Interp ...
$ ./Interp

Yay, it works! But let's try something fancier like printing a list of integers, one-by-one. For that, we will use an awesome forM_ function.

--- the rest of the file is the same 
--- ...
        -- evaluating and running an action
        act <- unsafeCoerce <$> compileExpr "forM_ [1,2,test] print"           
        liftIO act

When we try to run it:

$ ./Interp
Interp: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version 7.8.2 for x86_64-apple-darwin):
    Not in scope: ‘forM_’

Well, fair enough, where can we expect GHC to get the forM_ from? We have to bring Control.Monad into the scope in order to do that.

This brings us to the next section

Package modules

Naively, we might want to load Control.Monad in a similar fashion as we did with loading test.hs.

main = defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $
    runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
        dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
        setSessionDynFlags $ dflags { hscTarget = HscInterpreted
                                    , ghcLink   = LinkInMemory
        setTargets =<< sequence [ guessTarget "test.hs" Nothing
                                , guessTarget "Control.Monad" Nothing]
        load LoadAllTargets
        -- Bringing the module into the context
        setContext [IIModule $ mkModuleName "Test"]
        -- evaluating and running an action
        act <- unsafeCoerce <$> compileExpr "forM_ [1,2,test] print"
        liftIO act

Unfortunately, this attempt fails:

Interp: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version 7.8.2 for x86_64-apple-darwin):
    module ‘Control.Monad’ is a package module

Huh, what? I thought guessTarget works on all kinds of modules.

Well, it does. But it doesn't "load the module", it merely sets it as the target for compilation. Basically, it (together with load LoadAllTargets) is equivalent to calling ghc --make. And surely it doesn't make much sense trying to ghc --make Control.Monad when Control.Monad is a module from the base package. What we need to do instead is to bring the compiled Control.Monad module into scope. Luckily it's not very hard to do with the help of the simpleImportDecl :: ModuleName -> ImportDecl name function:

main = defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $
      runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
           -- we have to call 'setSessionDynFlags' before doing
           -- everything else
          dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
          -- If we want to make GHC interpret our code on the fly, we
          -- ought to set those two flags, otherwise we
          -- wouldn't be able to use 'setContext' below
          setSessionDynFlags $ dflags { hscTarget = HscInterpreted
                                      , ghcLink   = LinkInMemory
          setTargets =<< sequence [ guessTarget "test.hs" Nothing ]
          load LoadAllTargets
          -- Bringing the module into the context
          setContext [ IIModule $ mkModuleName "Test"
                     , IIDecl . simpleImportDecl 
                              . mkModuleName $ "Control.Monad" ]
          -- evaluating and running an action
          act <- unsafeCoerce <$> compileExpr "forM_ [1,2,test] print"           
          liftIO act

And this works like a charm:

$ ./Interp

Compiled modules

What we have implemented so far corresponds to the :load* test.hs command in GHCi, which gives us the full access to the source code of the program. To illustrate this let's modify our test file:

module Test (test) where

test :: Int
test = 123

test2 :: String
test2 = "Hi"

Now, if we want to load that file as an interpreted module and evaluate test2 nothing will stop us from doing so.

$ ./Interp2

If we want to use the compiled module (like :load test.hs in GHCi), we have to bring Test into the context the same way we dealt with Control.Monad:

main = defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $
  runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
    dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
    setSessionDynFlags $ dflags { hscTarget = HscInterpreted
                                , ghcLink   = LinkInMemory
    setTargets =<< sequence [ guessTarget "Test" Nothing ]
    load LoadAllTargets
    -- Bringing the module into the context
    setContext [ IIDecl $ simpleImportDecl (mkModuleName "Test")
               , IIDecl $ simpleImportDecl (mkModuleName "Prelude")
    printExpr "test"
    printExpr "test2"

printExpr :: String -> Ghc ()
printExpr expr = do
    liftIO $ putStrLn ("-- Going to print " ++ expr)
    act <- unsafeCoerce <$> compileExpr ("print (" ++ expr ++ ")")
    liftIO act

The output:

$ ./Interp2
-- Going to print test
-- Going to print test2
target: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version 7.6.3 for x86_64-apple-darwin):
	Not in scope: `test2'
Perhaps you meant `test' (imported from Test)

Please report this as a GHC bug:

Error handling

Our exercises above produced a number of GHC panics/erros. By default you can expect GHC to spew all the errors onto your screen, but for different purposes you might want to, e.g. log them.

Naturally at first I tried the exception handling mechanism:

-- Main.hs:
import GHC
import GHC.Paths
import MonadUtils
import Exception
import Panic
import Unsafe.Coerce
import System.IO.Unsafe
-- I thought this code would handle the exception
handleException :: (ExceptionMonad m, MonadIO m)
                   => m a -> m (Either String a)
handleException m =
  ghandle (\(ex :: SomeException) -> return (Left (show ex))) $
  handleGhcException (\ge -> return (Left (showGhcException ge ""))) $
  flip gfinally (liftIO restoreHandlers) $
  m >>= return . Right
-- Initializations, needed if you want to compile code on the fly
initGhc :: Ghc ()
initGhc = do
  dfs <- getSessionDynFlags
  setSessionDynFlags $ dfs { hscTarget = HscInterpreted
                           , ghcLink = LinkInMemory }
  return ()

-- main entry point
main = test >>= print
test :: IO (Either String Int)
test = handleException $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
  setTargets =<< sequence [ guessTarget "file1.hs" Nothing ]
  graph <- depanal [] False
  loaded <- load LoadAllTargets
  -- when (failed loaded) $ throw LoadingException
  setContext (map (IIModule . moduleName . ms_mod) graph)
  let expr = "run"
  res <- unsafePerformIO . unsafeCoerce <$> compileExpr expr
  return res

-- file1.hs:
module Main where

main = return ()

run :: IO Int
run = do
  n <- x
  return (n+1)

The problem is when I run the 'test' function above I receive the following output:

h> test

test/file1.hs:4:10: Not in scope: `x'

Left "Cannot add module Main to context: not a home module"
it :: Either String Int

It appears that the exception handler did cat an error, but a peculiar one, and not that one I wanted to catch.


We've studied the GHC API together with Luite Stegeman and I think we've found a more or less satisfactory solution.

Errors are handled using the LogAction specified in the DynFlags for your GHC session. So to fix this you need to change 'log_action' parameter in dynFlags. For example, you can do this:

initGhc = do
  ref <- liftIO $ newIORef ""
  dfs <- getSessionDynFlags
  setSessionDynFlags $ dfs { hscTarget  = HscInterpreted
                           , ghcLink    = LinkInMemory
                           , log_action = logHandler ref -- ^ this

-- LogAction == DynFlags -> Severity -> SrcSpan -> PprStyle -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
logHandler :: IORef String -> LogAction
logHandler ref dflags severity srcSpan style msg =
  case severity of
     SevError ->  modifyIORef' ref (++ printDoc)
     SevFatal ->  modifyIORef' ref (++ printDoc)
     _        ->  return () -- ignore the rest
  where cntx = initSDocContext dflags style
        locMsg = mkLocMessage severity srcSpan msg
        printDoc = show (runSDoc locMsg cntx) 

Package databases

A package database is a directory where the information about your installed packages is stored. For each package registered in the database there is a .conf file with the package details. The .conf file contains the package description (just like in the .cabal file) as well as path to binaries and a list of resolved dependencies:

$ cat aeson-
name: aeson
id: aeson-
import-dirs: /home/dan/.cabal/lib/aeson-
library-dirs: /home/dan/.cabal/lib/aeson-
depends: attoparsec-

You can use ghc-pkg to manage installed packages on your system. For example, to list all the packages you've installed run ghc-pkg list. To list all the package databases that are automatically picked up by ghc-pkg do the following:

$ ghc-pkg nonexistentpkg

See ghc-pkg --help or the online documentation for more details.

Adding a package db

By default GHC knows only about two package databases: the global package database (usually /usr/lib/ghc-something/ on Linux) and the user-specific database (usually ~/.ghc/lib). In order to pick up a package that resides in a different package database you have to employ some tricks.

For some reason GHC API does not export an clear and easy-to-use function that would allow you to do that, although the code we need is present in the GHC sources.

The way this whole thing works is the following:

  1. GHC calls initPackages, which reads the database files and sets up the internal table of package information

  2. The reading of package databases is performed via the readPackageConfigs function. It reads the user package database, the global package database, the "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH" environment variable, and applies the extraPkgConfs function, which is a dynflag and has the following type: extraPkgConfs :: [PkgConfRef] -> [PkgConfRef] (PkgConfRef is a type representing the package database). The extraPkgConf flag is supposed to represent the -package-db command line option.

  3. Once the database is parsed, the loaded packages are stored in the pkgDatabase dynflag which is a list of PackageConfigs

So, in order to add a package database to the current session we have to simply modify the extraPkgConfs dynflag. Actually, there is already a function present in the GHC source that does exactly what we need: addPkgConfRef :: PkgConfRef -> DynP (). Unfortunately it's not exported so we can't use it in our own code. I rolled my own functions that I am using in the interactive-diagrams project, feel free to copy them:

-- | Add a package database to the Ghc monad
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL_ >= 707  
addPkgDb :: GhcMonad m => FilePath -> m ()
addPkgDb :: (MonadIO m, GhcMonad m) => FilePath -> m ()
addPkgDb fp = do
  dfs <- getSessionDynFlags
  let pkg  = PkgConfFile fp
  let dfs' = dfs { extraPkgConfs = (pkg:) . extraPkgConfs dfs }
  setSessionDynFlags dfs'
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL_ >= 707    
  _ <- initPackages dfs'
  _ <- liftIO $ initPackages dfs'
  return ()
-- | Add a list of package databases to the Ghc monad
-- This should be equivalen to  
-- > addPkgDbs ls = mapM_ addPkgDb ls
-- but it is actaully faster, because it does the package
-- reintialization after adding all the databases
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL_ >= 707      
addPkgDbs :: GhcMonad m => [FilePath] -> m ()
addPkgDbs :: (MonadIO m, GhcMonad m) => [FilePath] -> m ()
addPkgDbs fps = do 
  dfs <- getSessionDynFlags
  let pkgs = map PkgConfFile fps
  let dfs' = dfs { extraPkgConfs = (pkgs ++) . extraPkgConfs dfs }
  setSessionDynFlags dfs'
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL_ >= 707
  _ <- initPackages dfs'
  _ <- liftIO $ initPackages dfs'
  return ()