Propositions as Sessions: Logical Foundations of Concurrent Computation

This is the webpage for the ESSLLI2024 course on “Propositions as Sessions”, given by Dan Frumin (d.frumin [the-at-symbol] and Jorge A. Pérez (j.a.perez [the-at-symbol]

The Curry-Howard(-deBruijn) correspondence, also known under the slogan of “Propositions as Types”, is arguably the most important bridge between logic and computation. The connection between intuitionistic logic and lambda-calculus is the most familiar instance of this bridge. The correspondence can be seen as a fruitful principle for logically-informed foundations of programming languages. This introductory course will explore recent work on the Curry-Howard correspondence between substructural logics and concurrent processes, dubbed as “Propositions as Sessions”. Following a gradual approach, participants will learn how Girard’s linear logic and its extensions serve as a basis for structuring message-passing concurrent programs through the discipline of session types. No specific prerequisites are assumed for this course, except for familiarity with formal logic; participants will get familiar with the selected topics in Substructural Logics, Concurrency Theory, and Programming Languages. The course will close with an overview of prospective research challenges.

Schedule / slides

The slides will be uploaded as the course goes on.

Additional reading

Here is the list of useful references on the topic.

Main references:

Additional references:

See also this webpage with more references on Propositions as Sessions.